Kamis, 09 Oktober 2014

PPL (Perempuan maupun Pria semuanya Lelah)

Hola everyone !!!                 
Long time no see ya :D

No, no, no, the title is so bad. Don’t try to think like it is a big problem. 
Don’t ever plan to bring it to ‘meja hijau’ it just an unimportant joke. Haha.
Ok. Let skip about the title !!!

This time, I want to tell you about my activities during PPL. Haha. I think all of you are familiar with this term. But, for make sure that there will not be a misunderstanding between us, let me tell you what is the meaning of PPL.

PPL (Program Pengalaman Lapangan) is a program that must be joined by all of FKIP students from all universities, like me. In this program, my friends and I had to practice as an English teacher in SMA Unggul Negeri 4 Palembang. 
Woaahhh I keep thinking that this fact is quite AMAZING !!! Haha.

Suasana di Lapangan SMA Unggul Negeri 4 Palembang:
Foto penyambutan siswa2 asal Malaysia selesai upacara bendera hari Senin

Suasana di perpustakaan SMA Unggul Negeri 4 Palembang: Lagi nyampul buku

In this program, we all were allowed to stay at library. We called it ‘posko Tridinanti’. Hmm.. I think you wanna know who are we?
1. Me, Delona,
2. Robani, our captain team, the best criminal students ever, haha,
3. Oktaviana, a rempong friend, my classmate in SMK N 3 Palembang,
4. Sugianto a.k.a Pak Cakra :p
5. Depi Ayu Pratiwi, my fake twins,
6. Efriza Fitri Ramadhina a.k.a Buk Camat,
7. Niken Sakti Purnama,
8. Nurrahmi Pangesti, the LIA’s teacher,
9. Hellen Ghea Maharani, the Palembang-Papua’s Polos Cosplayer,
10. Susilayanti,
11. Dewi Sri a.k.a Dewi Sathi,
12. Lensi Oktarina,
13. Misman a.k.a Bapak.

JJS ke Jakabaring di hari terakhir PPL

JJS ke Jakabaring di hari terakhir PPL

Suasana di Lapangan SMA Unggul Negeri 4 Palembang: Senam pagi di hari Sabtu
In that beloved place, we were not only deserved by any big experiences, but also had many friends from other universities, that are Muhammadiyah, PGRI, and Bina Dharma. They are nice but many of them are ‘ngeselin’ people actually.

I still remember many names and faces, from Muhammadiyah, they are; Irfan as a captain, Silvany Eka Putri, Dwi Astutik, Ana Muslimah, Tri Palupi Rahayu, Desven, Meuthia, Ratih, Novia, Tiara, Rere, Agung, Kornel, etc.
From PGRI, they are; Melvaida, Kartika, Yulia, Nendri as a captain, Hendri, Dody, Rico, etc. And from Bina Dharma, they are; Eka as a captain, Fitri Marfuah a.k.a Tahu, Ian, Jovanna Si Gendut, Pak Camat, Bang Jack yang mirip Bang Rhoma, etc.

Suasana di Lapangan SMA Unggul Negeri 4 Palembang:
Foto2 bareng mahasiswa PPL selesai upacara bendera hari Senin
For a long time before it, I had a plan for myself that I MUST ready to prove all of my best in PPL. You must know that one of my big wishes is to be a good teacher, moreover, the best English teacher ever. LEBAY keles. So, I would tried hardly !!!

At the beginning, I had a problem with the newest curriculum. I thought that I really really a bad student. I regret it, I had never prepared to learn about it. And then, the problem were continued when I would constructed my lesson plan. Stress? Yes, I felt it so bad. But don’t worry, I were not alone, actually :D

I had a very talented pamong teacher. Please welcome, Miss Dian Hariani, S.Pd.... !!! Hahaha. She is a very good teacher for me. She shared everything for me and my partner, Sugianto a.k.a Pak Cakra. I guess, If we didn’t get her as our pamong, we wouldn’t get everything that are very very important. From her, I knew that 2013 curriculum is quite complicated to constructed than previous curriculum. But after made it, everything was easier.

You know that in KTSP, generally you have to construct a lesson plan for a meeting, but in 2013 curriculum, you are allowed to construct only a lesson plan for many meetings. And see, I just constructed 3 lesson plans for 7 meetings for 1 class. And we were allowed to make 1 lesson plan for many classes.

Next, from Ms.Dian, I knew many terms and tried to construct the 5M activities (Mengamati, Menanya, Mengasosiasi, Mengeksplor, Mengkomunikasikan). She told me what is Fakta, Konsep, Prinsip, Prosedur, Inquiry, Scientific Learning, etc, in lesson plan. And then, she helped me to make Prota, Prosem, Syllabus, Time Allocation, KKM, etc. For me, she is the best pamong.

Suasana di Ruang Guru SMA Unggul Negeri 4 Palembang: Di hari pelepasan mahasiswa PPL Tridinanti, yang pake jilbab ungu itulah guru pamongku, Ms.Dian Hariani, S.Pd

And for finishing this program, I must teach until 12 meetings so I had to handle 2 classes. Ms.Dian asked me and Sugi to choose 2 classes, so my choice was XI MIA 2 and XI MIA 4.
In XI MIA 2, there were many nice and clever students, I love them. But overall, they are very talkative, so noisy !!! For XI MIA 4, I found the same things but I thought that XI MIA 4 was better than XI MIA 2. Why? It was not about diligent or clever. Although in XI MIA 4 I found many students that really really want to be the best and the master. Haha.

I just thought that teaching and learning process in XI MIA 4 was more effective than in XI MIA 4, because in XI MIA 4 I had 2 hours in 1 meeting, in Monday and Tuesday. In XI MIA 2, just 1 hour in 1 meeting in Monday, 2 hours in Tuesday, and then continued 1 hour in Friday. Rempong Cyin...







XI MIA 4, Shabiyya Aqila
But after all, I love both of XI MIA 2 and XI MIA 4. Thank you very much my lovely students :D
Everyone, I mean, all of my teammates had the same problem with me. And how goodness, together we could share everything, free !!! And for you, I think it’s better to share my files that are created during this program.

Let’s eat these link >> laporan kelompok >> laporan individu >> Silabus >> alokasi waktu dalam semester >> program tahunan >> penentuan KKM >> program semester >> rubrik penilaian >> berita acara ujian PPL<< Feel free to download all of them. I’m a very good person, right? :p

Suasana di Ruang Guru SMA Unggul Negeri 4 Palembang: Di hari pelepasan mahasiswa PPL Tridinanti, penyerahan cindera mata oleh Sugianto a.k.a Pak Cakra kepada Ibu Nasriah, waka humas

Suasana di Ruang Guru SMA Unggul Negeri 4 Palembang: Di hari pelepasan mahasiswa PPL Tridinanti, Pak kepsek yaitu Pak Parmin, Pak Edi ketua prodi B.Indonesia Univ.Tridinanti, Pak Helaluddin yaitu dosen pamong Univ.Tridinanti
Thanks for reading. I’m sorry if my grammar is so bad. I allow you always to leave your comments and suggestions. See you in the next post :D

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